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Who We Are

Network For a New Culture (NFNC) is a project of New Culture Institute (NCI), an Oregon 501(c)3 non-profit corporation. NFNC was originally inspired by the German community ZEGG (acronym for German words meaning "Center for Experimental Cultural Design").

NFNC seeks to build a sustainable, violence-free culture through exploring intimacy, personal growth, transparency, radical honesty, equality, compassion, sexual freedom, and the power of community.

One of the keys to stopping the destruction of the planet is to return to the heart. NFNC aspires to create a world where we can all be free to come from our hearts, thereby changing the culture from the inside out. NFNC facilitates events and programs designed to help heal gender wounds, and wounds between the individual and the community, and between the community and the Earth.

This effort is currently pursued primarily via retreats and workshops during the year, the most significant being annual Summer Camp (2025 date: Friday 2pm June 20th - Sunday lunch July 1st at a new location west of Eugene, (Affinity-Belonging Camp happening later in the summer)), where what occurs is as experimental as the culture we are trying to build. At these events, there is always a clear emphasis on freedom of choice and full support of any decisions made. In other words, each individual is "at choice" to explore or not according to their own comfort level within parameters of communication designed to create "win-win" results.

The events and programs are designed to help participants reevaluate their assumptions, consider new possibilities, and stretch boundaries, allowing them to explore new territory within interpersonal relationships and do so at their own pace. The end result is the emergence of new ideas and experiences of what is possible.

At all times, NFNC strives to provide an open, caring, and supportive environment that promotes the confidence necessary for participants to shed defenses and open themselves to quantum leaps of personal growth.

NFNC events provide exciting ways to integrate new thoughts, build new relationships and get a feel for community living within a safe and stimulating atmosphere of creativity and fun. These events are designed to move participants from the conceptual directly into the experiential.

Please feel free to explore the site! If you like what you see, consider joining us at our next gathering or participating in the discussion group. We look forward to hearing from you and getting to know you.

As a project of NCI, NFNC is a network of people promoting our mission. It is not an organizational entity unto itself, or a place to visit. It can only 'inspire.' Although the people presenting the events described on this website are known to each other and share similar visions of a New Culture, no one officially evaluates or endorses the different programs.